My name is Jeanie, formerly known as H, Jean - R3#### White Female to Department of Corrections at master count every night at 10:00 PM! I would like to share with you what the Passion for Prison Ministry Team has meant to me, pre and post release from Florida DOC. I met Jessica, Scotty, Joel and Cindy while incarcerated in Hillsborough CI. They came in every Sunday night. As we women entered into the chapel Cindy and Jessica would greet us with hugs and were lovin on us from the time we entered in the door. It was like coming home every Sunday night to family - In fact I called it Family night! As we moved from the signing of the log book in the hallway for DOC we entered in to the Sanctuary and there was Scotty and Joel for more hugs - their eyes were twinkling and you just felt the love and genuine compassion in their spirit. At this point us gals would sign in the PfP sign in sheet - let me tell you what this is about. Anyone who attends PfP and signs this sheet will have a Birthday card and Christmas card sent to them as well as a card upon release. How important is that? Well, if you've decided to really surrender your life to Christ and let go of the old life, that would include people that were a part of that life. Maybe you're fortunate to have a few family members that write you but chances are your name is not bein called at mail call very often or not at all. Receiving a postcard that say's, "We're so glad to see you every Sunday night, we love you and God loves you", speaks volumes to someone that has made a decision to follow Christ and forfeit continuing communication with unhealthy people outside of prison. The opening part of PfP's service begins with alot of laughter as the team shares where they've been since last week. Stories include prison or county visits, visits with former inmates, how the Lord has blessed the ministry, whose bike broke down and how the Lord fixed it! Jesus has the solution for every problem we have. Heck, stories of funny trips in Walmart, who lost weight, who gained weight! The point is, Scotty, Jess, Cindy and Joel shared each week with us as a family that had been away and was glad to be with us. We then would watch a Christian movie and have wonderful discussions and I believe we all walked away with greater understanding of the word of God as well as the magnitude of the love of God through the redeeming power of Jesus Christ. The intimate relationships that were formed on Sunday nights laid the foundation for what was yet to come (unbeknown to me at the time)! I was sent to Suncoast Work Release in March of '07 and you guess what? I received a Birthday postcard from PfP in September - yep, they followed me! I sent them a thank you card back and within a couple weeks I received a thank you card with a phone number to contact Jessica and Scotty upon release. I sat in my little studio apartment upon release and dialed up Jessica and we had the best talk - Jess and I can talk, and talk and talk!!!! I shared how the Lord had blessed me with work and friendships and a little church etc. Two weeks later my beautiful 23 year old daughter Ashley overdosed and went home to be with the Lord. I called Jessica and Scotty and they were over the bridge to St Pete within hours and at my side. We prayed, we cried, we broke bread. They showed me how the body of Christ serves unconditionally - they didn't just talk about it on Sunday night in a church service, tell me Jesus loves me and then left me - they were in my living room loving me! We continued our ever growing friendship in Christ through email and conversations on the phone. Scotty, Jess and Joel came down and we rode on the bikes up to Largo to visit a released gal - they included me! Now I'm wantin to be a part of this ministry in whatever capacity the Lord would have me. After Christmas Scotty and Jess asked me if I would like to join the PfP correspondence team. I was honored and elated! Today I respond weekly to believers that have been to PfP. I am blessed beyond measure to plant seeds of hope and share the love of God with my brothers and sisters behind the wire. (Honestly they give me more than I could ever give them!) To be able to serve in this capacity is a joy that fills me like none other. I smile because He knew that I was gonna be here doing this for Him even when I was 'out there' deep in my sin! To be given the opportunity to give back what was so freely given to me through this ministry is truly a gift from God. Scotty, Jessica and Joel's most
recent visit to see me took place on Palm Sunday. As He would have it,
the date was 3/16! John 3:16 - the first verse we all learn as born
again believers but
also one of me favorite verses - Revelation 3:16 "Be
hot or be
cold, but if you're luke warm, I'll spit you out of my mouth" reminds
me to stay on fire and serve Him whenever and where ever I am. On
Palm Sunday 3/16 I joined the little church I've been attending since
October '07 and my friends that had walked with me through and out of
prison were there sitting with me in the pew! It is my hope that I PfP
is impacting thousands of lives - lives that are being radically
transformed behind the wire for service in His name out here. It is
my hope that PfP continues to grow and serve those pre, currently and
post incarcerated. I know that PfP ministry is committed to bringing
all they come in contact with to the saving knowledge and grace of
Jesus Christ. I also know that with continued prayer and financial
support the Lord will continue to be able to work through PfP to reach Love, in the gentleness of Christ, Jeanie H |
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