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Mission Statement:
to edify and evangelize as an independent ministry, as well as with others,
to those who are presently, previously and/or potentially incarcerated.

Letters from Behind the Wire
Testimonials from Released Inmates
Befores & Afters
from the behind the Wire to the Free World



Tuesday, May 05, 2009 marked my six month anniversary…no, I am not married and it may not seem very significant to the average person but, to me…it is a six month mark that speaks volumes in my life. You see, six months prior, I walked out of prison gates and into an uncertain future. People told me “Susie, you will never be able to get a job in this economy. You will not be on your own for at least a year or so and you might as well hang up trying to get your kids back. That will never happen because you just won’t be sufficient enough.”

BUT., the day of my release I came home to piles of new clothes, hygiene, cosmetics, etc. I began volunteering the day after my release for a non-profit foundation and that night, I was given a car. One week after I was released, I had not one but, two jobs. Three weeks after my release, I was GIVEN a home of my own. It needed some work, but the community outreach was outrageous. I began to obtain furniture, appliances and household items from all kinds of sources. Five weeks after I was released, I was promoted to the Program director for the non-profit organization of which I volunteered. Six weeks after my release, a business paid to have my electric turned on. Seven weeks after my release, I was self-sufficient. Within 8 weeks I had both my girls living with me again. My DCF case moved towards closure faster than any they had ever seen come through the DCF system. I have now been handed over the Foundation for which I volunteer and because I am running the foundation, DCF calls me and asks me to help their clients. The judges and DCF workers are also urging me to facilitate several betterment programs in our county which will enable others to improve their lives like I have. I am truly honored. But, even more so…I am blessed.

You see, people said lots of things. BUT GOD spoke blessings over my life and had I not had been encouraged to open my eyes, ears and heart to him…I may have believed the lies that Satan spoke.

I grew up in a Christian home. I knew the word better than many bible scholars. I knew God. But, I never truly believed in the power of his love. Mostly, because I had never seen it so profoundly. Then I went to prison. My family, people in the church, my so-called “friends,” none of them were anywhere to be found. They had all turned their backs on me. They gave up. Because I knew God, I turned to him. I prayed and submitted my life to him. My life was all I had left and I told God that he could have it . I knew that God was promising me many things but, I didn’t know where to go from that bunk where I had prayed. I simply trusted that he would somehow show me the way.

Along came Passion for Prison and other prison mission workers. These people were complete strangers and yet, they treated me like family. They came to see me regularly even if it was a hardship on them, they still came. My own family didn’t even come to visit. These missionaries gave so unselfishly of themselves for us… prisoners….people whom the community considers outcasts, they showed us love. They became my true example of God’s love. Not only were they an example but, they taught how we can use situations in the bible and apply them to our lives. They never tried to look perfect before us, they came and told us their faults. They spoke of struggles they too had in life and how God pulled them through. It showed me strong faith and how true faith is the key to having a life filled with peace. They taught me how to study and apply god’s word to my life rather than just memorizing what it says.

I came from a family who, by popular opinion, had it “all.” We had a big house, vacation homes in exotic places, new cars even as teenagers. I have relatives who serve in highly acclaimed positions in life. But, I have never experienced the true peace and happiness that is offered in Chirst because my faith was in people or things. Passion for Prison taught me to put my faith in God, to show love for others, regardless of who they are because we are all God’s creations. Passion for Prison taught me not to give up….not on people and not on God because he is always working things out for our good. They taught me how to have faith, how to believe and how to love. I became a true believer.

From that point on, I never believed what people spoke over my life. I only believed that God would pull me through and he has. He has pulled me through the darkest of all storms and has shone down brightly his blessings on my life. He really does care for his children. My life is now more than I could ever have imagined it to be. All because I am no longer in control.

Yes, I still have rough days. He never promised that I wouldn’t. He just promised to bring me through it. And when I get down, guess who is there for Christian support….Passion for Prison and those missionaries who were there inside the gates of prison. They didn’t just forget about me after my release…they have been there for encouragement and support long after. I watched their example and have seen how greatly their lives touched mine and how I have changed because of their willingness to give. Now I have a desire to touch others in the same way. I have convinced the board of directors at my Foundation to implement programs for prisoners to encourage and teach them while they are inside the gates and to continue to assist them in meeting needs after they are released. Even if I only reach a handful who change their lives and those handful go on to touch others lives in the same way……imagine how many people in the world this chain reaction could touch….and it all started with some people who cared enough to go into the prisons and tell me that they loved me.


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