Tue Mar 18 2025 04:06:08 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Welcome to Passion for Prison!

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter

Mission Statement:
to edify and evangelize as an independent ministry, as well as with others,
to those who are presently, previously and/or potentially incarcerated.

Letters from Behind the Wire
Testimonials from Released Inmates
Befores & Afters
from behind the Wire to the Free World

Volunteer Forms

Volunteer and Internship Application

Please note: To read these forms, you will need a program that can read
MS Word (.doc) and Acrobat Reader (.pdf) documents.

Florida DOC Application Forms web page

Florida DOC Volunteer Application Form (dc5-601a, rev 7/04)

Regular-Services Volunteer Information Sheet (dc5-601b, rev 12/06)

Acknowledgment of Responsibility Form (dc2-813, rev 2/06)

PfP Forms

PfP Volunteer Form

PfP Do's and Don'ts

Hold Harmless Form

How Would You Respond?

We are so excited to have you behind the wire with us!
Please download and complete all of the forms above so that we can get you on the INSIDE!!!

Please fill out all the applications completely; do not leave any
questions unsanswered. Print clearly and legibly. We will also need a
photocopy of your driver's license. Please mail all completed paperwork,
including the copy of your license, to the following address.

Passion for Prison, Inc
PO Box 273721
Tampa, FL 33688-3721

When entering the facility you may only bring in your ID, the items that
pertains to the ministry, and your car key (nothing else can be hanging from
the key ring).

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me directly.
Looking forward to going to prison with you!


Questions or site Info: